Customer info
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Last updated
version=0.0.1 bizType=customer.admin.WhiteCustomerAdminApiService.detail
Type information, baseInfo= basic information, tradeAccount= trading account, kyc= kyc information, allKyc= detailed kyc information on the page, bankList= bank card list, walletList= wallet address, otherInfo= other
Customer ID
Customer Number
Trading account list
Whether the customer has a trading account note
Activation status
Activation time
Mailing address
API verification rules. 1- email; 2- SMS; 3- Google NFA; enable multiple verifications at the same time, separated by commas.
API verification switch
Set fund password reminder flag, 1 requires setting password, 2 does not require
Associated company Id
Company KYC account opening status, 1 open 2 not open
Company type
Creation time
Customer agent identifier
Customer group
Customer account
Customer type 0 default 1 agent 2 credit 3 activity settlement
Can deposit, 1 can deposit
Warning level
Force liquidation level
Whether to enable MFA, greater than 0, enable, otherwise not enable
Customer ID
ID number
ID type
Whether it is a fund manager, 1 is, default 0 is not
Registration KYC review remarks, review rejection is not empty
Registration KYC review status: 0 not certified redirect to certification page, 1 pending review, 2 review passed, 3 review failed
KYC status name
KYC status
Last name
Set password reminder flag, 1 requires setting password, 2 does not require
Login time
First name
Account type: 0. Individual 1. Business
Optional flag 0 not added 1 added
Payment password existence status, 1 does not exist, 2 exists
Phone number
Phone area code
Postal code
Registration source
Registration time
Associated account id
Status: 1. Normal, 2. Disabled, 3. Deleted, 4. Closed account, 5. Locked, 6. Closing account
Third-party login complete data
Third-party login source google, facebook, twitter
Third-party system unique identifier
Third-party userId
Group type <0 real, 1 simulated, 2 visitor>
Institution ID
Institution name
Ad source
Withdrawable, 1 withdrawable
Withdrawal level